This publication contains a meeting of two strands of exploration interweaving with Matthew Rimmer’s work on show at 16 Nicholson Street: The writings of Philip Henry Gosse, and texts brought together by MUCK and the Nature Library. Through the interaction of the three it explores potential collaborations between humans, the internet, and aquatic habitats. When historical, real, underwater and unreal worlds feed each other, the combination is harmonious and hopeful - a dreaming and wondering about what better ways humans can deepen and rethink their relationship with natural environments.

Rimmer’s ‘Biotope’ drawings sit alongside collaborative and co-authored texts which are the product of a year-long virtual cooperative effort, resulting in the workshop STREAM, which took place in the comments section of a livestream from Rimmer’s Biotope sculpture installed at the Kibble Palace Koi pond on 20.02.21. These are mingled with the historical musings of Philip Henry Gosse - the inventor of the Aquarium, and nestled amongst the plates taken from the author’s drawings to illustrate his magnum opus The Aquarium: an Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea.
INTRODUCTION to 'AIR DIVING' digital publication edited by Nell Cardozo, with writing and artworks by Matthew Rimmer, India Boxall, Isabella Shields and Niamh Moloney, as well as STREAM workshop contributors, designed by Bart Manders